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GS7 Methods (Cane Sugar Processing)

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Reducing Sugars in Cane Raw sugar, Cane Processing Products and some Speciality Sugars by Titration - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS1/3/7-3 (2005)

The Determination of Conductivity Ash in Raw Sugar, Brown Sugar, Juice, Syrup and Molasses - Official
ICUMSA Method GS1/3/4/7/8-13 (1994)

The Determination of pH by a Direct Method – in Raw Sugar, Molasses, Juices and Syrups – Official – in White Sugar, Speciality Sugars and Plantation White Sugar – Tentative
ICUMSA Method GS1/2/3/4/7/8/9-23 (2009)

The Determination of Iron in Refined Sugar Products and Sugar Solutions by a Colorimetric Method - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS2/3/7/8-31 (1994)

Sulphite in White Sugar by the Rosaniline Colorimetric Method - Official (Reference)
ICUMSA Method GS2-33 (2022)

The Determination of Apparent Sucrose in Molasses by a Double Polarisation Method - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS4/7-1 (2013)

The Determination of Sucrose by Gas Chromatography in Molasses and Factory Products - Official; and Cane Juice - Tentative
ICUMSA Method GS4/7/8/5-2 (2002)

The Determination of Dry Substance and Moisture in Molasses by Vacuum Oven Drying on Sand - Official
ICUMSA Method GS4/7-11 (1994)

The Determination of Moisture by the Karl Fischer Procedure in Molasses - Official, and in Cane Raw Sugars, Speciality Sugars and Syrups - Tentative
ICUMSA Method GS4/7/3-12 (1998)

Sucrose, Dry Substance and Fibre in Cane and Bagasse by VIS-Polarimetry after Clarification of the Aqueous Extract with Lead Acetate and by Refractometry - Official
ICUMSA Method GS5-1 (2022)

The Determination of the Preparation Index of Cane by Measurement of the Extent of Cell Rupture - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-3 (1994)

The Determination of Moisture in Cane and Bagasse by Oven Drying - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-5 (1994)

Polarimetric Sucrose Content of Filter Cake by VIS-Polarimetry with Lead Subacetate - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-7 (2011)

The Determination of Moisture in Filter Cake by Oven Drying - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-9 (1994)

The Determination of the Mud Solids in Juice, Mud and Filter Cake by a Gravimetric Method - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-11 (1994)

The Determination of Cane Fibre in Juice, Mud and Filter Cake by a Filtration Method - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-13 (1994)

Total and Soluble Phosphate in Cane Juice by a Colorimetric Method - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-15 (1994)

Calcium and Magnesium in Cane Juice and Syrup by EDTA Titration - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-19 (1994)

Turbidity in Clarified Cane Juice, Syrups and Clarified Syrups - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-21 (2007)

Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose by Gas Chromatography (GC) in Cane Juices, Syrups and Molasses - Official (Reference)
ICUMSA Method GS7/4/3-22 (2011)

The Determination of Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose by HPLC - in Cane Molasses – Official – and Sucrose in Beet Molasses – Official
ICUMSA Method GS7/4/8-23 (2011)

The Determination of Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose in Cane Juices, Syrups and Molasses and of Sucrose in Beet Molasses by High Performance Ion Chromatography - Official
ICUMSA Method GS7/8/4-24 (2011)

Calcium Oxide in Lime - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-25 (1994)

Sucrose-soluble Calcium in Quicklime - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS7-27 (1994)

The Determination of Pol by NIR Polarimetry and Brix for Sugarcane and Factory Product -Tentative
ICUMSA Method GS7-31 (2013)

Determination of the Relative Activity of Commercial α-Amylase as used in Sugar Cane Processing and Refining - Official
ICUMSA Method GS7-33 (2015)

Chloride in Cane and Beet Processing Products by Potentiometry - Accepted
ICUMSA Method GS8/4/7-11 (1994)